Goal Hour

Caprock Academy serves the 1st through 8th grade students in pursuit of personal interests in an enrichment class every Thursday called Goal Hour.  Kindergarten students pursue their goals during the regular class time.  Goal Hour is a unique program, whereby students are offered the opportunity to choose one area of enrichment each quarter. 
Since the school’s opening, Caprock Academy has offered over 60 different enrichment oriented classes to its students.  Parents have played a huge role in the success of goal hour.  Our community is filled with creative people who have a wide variety of skills.  Many parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles have chosen to give back to the school by sharing these skills with the students.  Classes have ranged from archery to cake decorating, quilting to survival skills.  If you have a skill or hobby that you would like to share please let us know.
Goal Hour Volunteers Needed
We are currently looking for parent or community volunteers that would be interested in teaching Goal Hour classes for our 3rd through 5th grade students.  If you are interested, please contact the school office at 970-243-1771.