Volunteering and Community Service » Community Service

Community Service

K-8th Grade Community Service Requirements
Students that are in kindergarten through eighth grade are required to serve 10 hours of community service per school year.
High School Community Service Requirements
Caprock Academy high school students are required to serve 20 hours of community service per school year.  15 of those hours should be in our greater community and the remaining 5 hours are to be completed on school campus. 
High school students that have been inducted into the National Honor Society will volunteer an additional 10 hours per school year.  These hours are usually done through NHS sponsored activities.
Student community service hours will be printed on their official high school transcript.
Community Service Ideas
Community service hours can be completed in a variety of ways throughout the school year.  Below is a list of examples that you may find helpful.  Students participating in a community service event should not be paid to preform those duties.
Volunteer at a pet shelter
Volunteer at an assisted living center
Mow a neighbors yard
Snow Shoveling
Reading to younger students
Tutoring younger students
Volunteering at school events
Picking up trash
Pulling weeds
Participate in a food drive
Helping an elderly neighbor unload groceries
How to Submit Community Service Hours
Community Service hours must be recorded in the Facts Family Portal.  Please follow the steps below. 
  1. Login to your FACTS Family Portal account with your ID & Password
  2. Click on Family
  3. Select the Student or Parent Name from the drop down box
  4. Click on the Add + button in the Service Hours box
  5. Enter the date, hours completed, the description and a note if necessary
  6. Double check the information and click Save
*If you complete community service hours during the summer break, you will need to date them for the first day of the new school year or they will be recorded for the previous year. Please note that once you add your hours, you are not able to edit or delete them*