Current & Prospective Families » Prospective Families » Student Records

Student Records

Student Record Requests

Schools wishing to request records for their new incoming students that previously attended Caprock Academy, must request records in writing via email or fax using the form below.  Please allow 7-10 days for all record requests to be completed.


Email: [email protected]

Fax: 970-243-3612


Important Notes regarding Student Record Requests:

  • Parents do not need to request records for their students if they are moving to another school.  Your child's new school will request their records.
  • Records will not be released to your child's new school until they are officially withdrawn from Caprock Academy.  Please contact the school office at 970-243-1771 for withdrawal requirements.


Student Transcript Requests

Current students and/or alumni wishing to request copies of their personal transcripts must complete the form below.  Please note that a $6 fee applies to alumni for each transcript requested.  There is no fee for currently enrolled students.  Forms must be filled out completely.  Payment can be made in person or by phone during regular office hours or online.   


Fax: 970-243-3612

Pay Now Button


Important Notes regarding Student Transcript Requests:

  • Students that are 17 years old and younger that are currently enrolled and needing a copy of their transcripts (usually for college or scholarship applications), must have a parent or legal guardian sign the form.  
  • Students/Alumni that are 18 years old and older must sign their own transcript form.
  • Alumni requests will not be released until payment is received.
  • Please allow 7-10 days for all record requests to be completed.



Please contact our admissions/records department at [email protected].